CAP - Catabolite gene Activating Protein (1BER)
DNA - GATTACAGATTACAGATTACA Endonuclease PvuII bound to palindromic DNA recognition site CAGCTG (1PVI) DNA - GATTACAGATTACAGATTACA TBP - TATA box  Binding Protein (1C9B)
CAP - Catabolite gene Activating Protein (1BER)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
TBP - TATA box  Binding Protein (1C9B)

Ray-traced YASARA Images

YASARA comes with a built-in POV-Ray renderer to create ray-traced images. In most cases it is easier to just take a screenshot of the YASARA window, because the new Vulkan graphics engine supports contact-hardening soft shadows, per-pixel ambient lighting and billions of atoms (which POV-Ray doesn't). Nevertheless POV-Ray is still helpful to render graphics with arbitrarily high resolutions, transparent secondary structure, and 'blobs' (fused atom spheres that resemble a molecular surface).

Trypsin colored by sequence conservation
Crystallographic unit cell of 1FUS
Heparin bound to 1BFB
The Protein Universe
PhiX184 virus capside
Crystallographic unit cell of 1FUS