CAP - Catabolite gene Activating Protein (1BER)
DNA - GATTACAGATTACAGATTACA Endonuclease PvuII bound to palindromic DNA recognition site CAGCTG (1PVI) DNA - GATTACAGATTACAGATTACA TBP - TATA box  Binding Protein (1C9B)
CAP - Catabolite gene Activating Protein (1BER)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
GCN4 - leucine zipper transcription factor bound to palindromic DNA recognition site ATGAC(G)TCAT (1YSA)
TBP - TATA box  Binding Protein (1C9B)



To install a movie, just download the ZIP file and unpack it in the yasara/mov directory (which of course requires that you have at least YASARA View installed). MacOS tries to hide the yasara directory from you: open Finder, browse to the YASARA application and click on 'Show package contents' in the context menu to see the yasara directory.

If you then click on Help > Play help movie, the new movie will appear in the list.

Movies are simply YASARA macros that use multimedia elements to create interactive tutorials or presentations. Works well instead of the usual PowerPoint approach. Instructions how to create your own movies can be found in the YASARA documentation by clicking on 'Recipes - Answer complex questions' -> 'Create your own YASARA movies'.




Virtual reality (PC)

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial explaining how to work with YASARA in VR on PCs. Android is covered in a separate tutorial.

Written by: Kornel Ozvoldik, Elmar Krieger, Elina Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2023/05/22

Download: vrintro2.zip


Working with YASARA

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial explaining how to work with YASARA to new users. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Planetary' background (more at www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2023/04/16

Download: welcome.zip


Virtual reality (Android)

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial explaining how to use the YASARA Virtual Reality Workstation on Android. It covers setting up the VR headset, molecular graphics, interactive MD and drug design.

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2023/02/24

Download: vrintro.zip


What's new in YASARA Structure

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
An overview of the new features in YASARA Structure

Written by: Elmar Krieger & James Magahern

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2021/05/24

Download: structure.zip


Working with the Twinset

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
An introduction to using WHAT IF from within YASARA. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Sigmaspace' background (more at www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/03/25

Download: twinset.zip


What's new in YASARA for Android

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A little intro about YASARA on Android smartphones and tablets

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2018/03/20

Download: android.zip


Molecular graphics


Surfaces III - Electrostatics

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2023/03/06

Download: surfaces3.zip



Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial about using cut-planes to look inside surfaces and other polygon meshes. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Tetris' background (more at http://www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2023/02/22

Download: cutplanes.zip


Surfaces II - Environments

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2022/10/25

Download: surfaces2.zip


The Basics

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial explaining how to use YASARA to create ray-traced molecular graphics. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Opalshards' background (more at www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/06/19

Download: molgra.zip


Advanced GPU effects

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A demonstration of the features of YASARA's new GPU shader-based graphics engine

Written by: Elmar Krieger and Jacobus van Meel

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/05

Download: gpueffects.zip


Lighting and shadows

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
An introduction to lighting and shadows in YASARA. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Thetaspace' background (more at www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/05

Download: lighting.zip


Surfaces I - Introduction

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
An introduction to the different kinds of surfaces. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Speed' background (more at www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/03

Download: surfaces.zip


Molecular dynamics


Virtual reality simulations (PC)

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial explaining how to work with MD simulations in VR

Written by: Kornel Ozvoldik, Elmar Krieger, Elina Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2023/08/21

Download: vrintro3.zip


Simulation and quantum mechanics of small molecules

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
This tutorial introduces fractional bond orders and pH dependency, shows how to build and simulate small molecules, and how to use quantum mechanics to optimize geometries and compare tautomers.

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL, except coral reef background by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland)

Last modified: 2023/02/22

Download: smallmol2.zip


Accurate simulations in water

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/12

Download: mdwater.zip


Simulation in dodecahedral cells

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial explaining how dodecahedral simulation cells work.

Written by: Kornel Ozvoldik

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/09

Download: mdcell.zip


The YAMBER force field, ICMSB 2003

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/09

Download: yamber.zip


The theory behind molecular dynamics simulations

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/09

Download: mdintro.zip


Interactive simulations for modeling

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/06

Download: mdinteract.zip


Molecular modeling


Drug design

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A journey through YASARA's drug design functionality. Using an inhibitor for HIV protease as example, this help movie shows how to visualize protein-ligand interactions, predict ligand binding affinities and improve ligands with the small-molecule builder. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Tetris' background (http://www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2023/01/24

Download: drugdesign.zip


Knowledge-based potentials

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
An overview of knowledge-based potentials. What they are, how to visualize them and how to use them.

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/18


Domain replacement

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial explaining how to replace a loop or an entire domain, for example to create a hybrid template for homology modeling. Many thanks to Sven Geier for his 'Hidden' background (more at www.sgeier.net/fractals).

Written by: Ahmet Sacan

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/16

Download: domainrep.zip


Electrostatic potentials

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A tutorial covering the different ways of representing electrostatic potentials using Particle Mesh Ewald and Poisson-Boltzmann methods

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/12

Download: electropot.zip


Building small molecules

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL, except stellar nebula (copyright by Jaime Vives Piqueres)

Last modified: 2020/05/09

Download: smallmol.zip


Research topics



Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A 3D model of SARS-CoV-2 for interactive exploration, with components explained and built using Cryo-EM results from Yao et al. (2020) Cell 183,730-738.

Written by: Kornel Ozvoldik

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2021/02/01

Download: sarscov2.zip


CASP8 meeting on Sardinia 2008/12/04

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A summary of the protein structure prediction tricks used by YASARA during CASP8.

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/25

Download: casp8.zip


Methionine Synthase

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
An overview of the catalytic activity of methionine synthase

Written by: Richard Deth & Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/20

Download: metsynthase.zip


PhD Thesis Defence 2004/09/27 by Elmar Krieger

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/20

Download: thesis.zip


PhD Thesis Defence 2006/02/09 by Sander Nabuurs

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
Written by: Sander Nabuurs

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/18

Download: thesis2.zip




Buckynut Island

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A video game written in Yanaconda to demonstrate the use of solids. Help Yami collect the Buckminster nuts. (Current highscore is 215 points by Bas Vroling)

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/06/03

Download: buckynut.zip


The protein structure group at the CMBI

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
An introduction to the 'Vriend Group' at the CMBI, can be easily adapted to introduce your own research group

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL, Grass texture by Rune S. Johansen

Last modified: 2020/05/23

Download: cmbi.zip


Triple8 Celebration

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
A video game written in Yanaconda to celebrate the release of YASARA Structure and two anniversaries

Written by: Elmar Krieger

License: GNU GPL

Last modified: 2020/05/20

Download: triple8.zip


The crazy pig animation

Figure: A snapshot from the movie
This is an example for multimedia animations, in honour of the Pink Pig (www.pinkpigpage.com).

Written by: Emmanuel 'CrazyPig' Bettler

License: Images copyright by pinkpigpage.com

Last modified: 2016/04/24

Download: crazypig.zip